Here are some of the stories from those who have been Tipped Over by your generosity.




I was tipped over by nice couple I have served a few weeks before. This really brightened my night. Thank you so much! Your tip was more than just cash on a tray… it was kindness.



This morning at McDonald’s, I paid for the woman behind me in the drive thru. It was only like $3 and some odd change but she was so happy and honked at me and waved as I was pulling out. Her smile was huge. Then I got to work, and my friend Matt came into the salon. We met at church a while back, and I’ve been cutting his hair since then. He paid $14 for the haircut plus a dollar for the Children’s Hospital. Then he tipped me $100! Yesterday was a really bad tip day, but today was over and beyond expectations. Praise God!



Working another long double with a 5 min break gets a bit frustrating, but today I got darn near a 50 percent tip on one of my small tables and a note saying “you have been tipped over. Go to” On days like today it’s nice to have someone appreciate the time we take as servers to make sure our guests are having a good time and enjoy their visit. I liked being able to share that on here.



Got slammed one afternoon, running around like a mad man, and this couple was very patient and kind. They watched as one of my other tables got up and left because their food was taking too long. Anyway, after my last table left I checked their receipt and was dumbfounded to see that they had left a $500 tip on a $70 tab! Management was suspicious of it, but it checked out as legit. I ended up tipping out the kitchen and staff about $150 out of it, just because I like to spread the wealth when I can. And that couple made it so that I could brighten a few other people’s day.


El Paso

Thank you! You were my third table of the night; I was already feeling overwhelmed; I’m sure it showed! It made my night; it kept me smiling! I will pay it forward!!! Thank you!!! 🙂

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